ASEAN-QA Final Conference IN Bangkok

  • Content


The last ASEAN-QA TrainIQA workshop of phase II of the programme was held in Bangkok, Thailand, from the 22nd to the 26th February 2016 and was directly followed by the final conference from the 27th to the 28th of February 2016. During the four days of the workshop, the participants learned a lot about information management, strategic management and organisational development. Furthermore the development of the different projects of the participants during the ASEAN-QA phase II, their current status and plans for the future were discussed. At the final conference, not only the QA-experts as well as the trainees of the ASEAN-QA project participated, there were also members of the different South-East Asian universities management attending. They got informed about the achievements of the project, the lessons learnt and the status of quality assurance and higher education management in South-East Asia in general. 
The final conference in Bangkok terminated the second phase of the ASEAN-QA project. The third phase wil start in 2016, applications for the new TrainIQA cohort can be handed in until 24th July 2016.

The following page provides a documentation and some impressions of the last ASEAN-QA TrainIQA workshop and the final conference in 2016.


First Workshop Day -  22nd February 2016

  • Arrival of Participants and Welcome Reception


      • Second Workshop Day - 23rd February 2016 
      • Introduction
      • Introduction to the Module and Workshop by Dr. Oliver Vettori and Barbara Michalk
      • Project Progress and Outcomes by Trainees
  • Information Management
  • Communication Architecture and Effective Reporting by Prof. Dr. Philipp Pohlenz
  • Online Module Wrap Up by Benjamin Jung


  •  Third Workshop Day - 24th February 2016    
  • Creative Management                                        
  • Imaginisation and Creative Management by Johnson Ong Chee Bin
  • Exercise: Imagine your Project and Position 5 Years from Now by Concepcion V. Pijano
  • lkl
  • Organisational Development                                       
  • Quality Assurance and its Links to Strategic Management and Organisational Development by Dr. Nadine Bültel and Prof. Dr. Shahrir Abdullah
  • Measuring and Impact in Higher Education by Prof. Dr. Philipp Pohlenz
    Subject Specific QA - The Case of the Faculty of Commerce Accountancy by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pasu Decharin


    •  Fourth Workshop Day - 25th February 2016    
    • QM Systems                                       
    • DAAD and DIES Alumni - Offers and Possibilities by Marc Wilde                                    
      • QM Systems - The Case of the University of Ghent by Frederik de Decker 
      • klk
  • Visit of Mahidol University                                       
  • Introduction to Mahidol University and its QM System by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sompop Prathanturarug
    AUN-QA at Programme Level at Mahidol University by Asst. Prof. Dr. Thasaneeya Nopparatjamjomras
    • Campus Tour of Mahidol University



First Conference Day - 26th February 2016     

  • Overview of Past and Future                                        
                  • Introduction to the Conference by Prof. Dr. Philipp Pohlenz
                • Lessons Learnt from the Projects by Prof. Dr. Duu-Sheng Ong
              • Podium Discussion: Prerequisites and Factors of Success
                • The Future of Quality Assurance by Dr. Oliver Vettori and Frank Niedermeier
                  • External Quality Assurance Framework: the ASEAN Quality Assurance Framework (AQAF) by Prof. Zita Mohd. Fahmi


Second Conference Day - 27th February 2016   

  • Towards a Culture of Quality                                         
                          • Linking Quality Assurance and HE Management - Towards a Culture of Quality by Prof. Dr. Freddy Coignoul
                            Looking Back and Outlook by Frank Niedermeier



Photo Impressions of the ASEAN-QA TrainIQA workshop and the final conference in Bangkok



